REY, Louis. Le Roman de John Stuart Mill. Paris, E.Monzein 1913
Octavo, original printed paper covers, 28pp, authors presentation in ink, dated Avignon June 1913
Provenance Monsieur et Madame Verdet-Kléber
First and only edition, very rare. Pastor Louis Rey, Pastor of the Protestant church in Avignon to which Mill diligently paid his dues, became his closest friend in the town. He was present at Mill’s death at Saint Vèran in May 1873, and made a short address at his burial. After Mill’s death he helped Helen Taylor with her legal affairs, and when she left Avignon, he undertook Power of Attorney for the sale of her house and property. Later he made two public addresses, before and after the First World War, in favour of Mill’s statue being erected in the Place Crillon, facing the Hôtel de l’Europe. He lived to the age of ninety-nine in 1937.
Reeves: p.275. Packe, p.485. Copac 1 copy only at BL.