VISSAC, Marc de. John-Stuart Mill. Avignon, François Seguin 1905
Octavo, original printed paper covers, 15p, offprint from Mémoires de l'Academie de Vaucluse vol.XXIV.
An important source on Mill's life in Avignon by Baron Marc de Vissac [1841-1918] President of the Academie de Vaucluse 1904-1905 which had been founded in 1801 and whose priority was the study of all aspects of local history. Written when Mill's house in Avignon was to be sold: "On va vendre rochainement, à Avignon, un petit ermitage qui a abrité l'un des lus grands phiosophes et des plus grands économistes du XIXe siècle". On page 12 Vissac states the size of Mill's library in Avignon "...982 volumes composant sa bibliothéque..."
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