Marie Lucie Nessi-Valtat
A Friesian Cow in a Wooded Landscape facing Left

Signed M.Nessi

Pencil and watercolour, watermark CIEAANNECY-AUSSEDATET

133 x 209 mm. (5 x 8 in.)


Aged 16 Marie Lucie started learning to draw in Paris, after two years she attended the studio of Louis Biloul, Andr Lhote, Jacques Helion, Kisling and Fougita. In 1932 she married Jean Valtat, the son of Louis. In Paris she participated on the Salons des Indpendants and dAutomne. In 1937 she won a gold medal at the Exposition Universelle. She participated in other exhibitions, in 1960 Joie de vivre New York; in 1989 New York and 1990 Palm Beach French PostImpressionists: The New Vanguard; in 1991 New York and Palm Beach, Paintings for Collectors, Wally Finlay Galleries.

Marie Lucie travelled a great deal during her life, across Europe, North Africa, Eastern Europe and Russia. Her work was strongly influenced by Louis Valtat, and works in the tradition of the Post Impressionists. Her subjects included landscapes, still lifes and marines. These three watercolours are all of similar cattle in various poses in the countryside, are charming examples of her work.