Watercolour on paper
76 x 103 mm (3 x 4 in.)
Combining her lifelong love of flowers with a remarkable talent for capturing their essence on paper and vellum, Evelyn Binns is a botanical watercolour artist with an established reputation for fine artistic quality and precise botanical accuracy. Painted at actual size from living specimens, her subjects range enormously: from native wild flowers to rain forest exotics; from cottage garden favourites to hothouse hybrids; from fungi to fruit and vegetables. Evelyn has been awarded no fewer than seven Gold Medals at the Royal Horticultural Societys London Winter Shows for her studies of camellias, orchids, heritage vegetables, narcissi, carnivorous plants and two collections of hellebores. She has also illustrated a variety of educational reference books for leading publishers and was commissioned by the prestigious Curtiss Botanical Magazine to provide studies for colour plate and front cover reproduction.
Evelyns watercolour originals are much in demand and are bought or commissioned by collectors worldwide. Her work can be found in the collections of the RHS Lindley Library, the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, The Royal Hospital Chelsea and Dr Shirley Sherwood. She also has pictures in other private Royal collections.