Signed F.A. Milatz f.
Pen and brown ink and watercolour, watermark shield, pen and grey ink framing lines
287 x 379 mm. (11 x 14 in.)
Milatz is known as a landscape and city painter and draughtsman. He also worked as an engraver. He was a pupil of Paul V. Liender (1731-1797), and taught Jan Pannebakker. In 1798 Milatz, together with Pannebakker, were admitted to the Teekencollegie (drawing society) in Haarlem. Milatz frequently drew in the dunes between the villages of Santpoort and Overveen. From 1805 he traveled south to Katwijk, Leiden and The Hague. Beernenhout comments that of the c. 140 drawings by Milatz that we now know, there are five of which the image has been repeated in other drawings1. Landscape drawing, which Milatz is known chiefly for, had a revival between circa 1780 and 1810. His work is found in the museums in Haarlem, Frankfurt and Hamburg.
The watercolour is in an excellent condition.
1.Angelique Beerenhout, Herhalingen in het getekende oeuvre van F.A. Milatz in Delineavit et Sculpsit, 16 January 1996, pp 49.