MILL,James & MILL,John Stuart.
THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW. Volume I. January-April 1824. London,Baldwin, Cradock and Joy 1824
2 parts in one volume, thick octavo, original grey boards, uncut, pp.iv +288; (2) + 289-560, title with engraved view of Westminster, discreet library stamps on title of Gr.York kl.oels Bibliothek, an excellent copy.
Contains on pp.206-250 James Mill's Art.XI. Periodical Literature. 1.Edinburgh Review.. Contains on pp.505-541 John Stuart Mill's Art.X. Periodical Literature. Edinburgh Review.
"Mr Bentham determined to establish the Review at his own cost, and offered the editorship to my father, who declined it as incompatible with his India House appointment...e consented to write an article for the first number. As it had been a favourite portion of the scheme talked of, that part of the work should be devoted to reviewing the other Reviews, this article of my Father's was to be a general criticism of the Edinburgh Review from its commencement. Before writing he made me read through all the volumes of the Review...and make some notes for him of the articles which I thought he would wish to examine, either on account of their good or their bad qualities. This paper of my father's was the chief cause of the sensation which the Westminster Review produced at its first appearance, and is, both in conception, and in execution, one of the most striking of all his writings....He held up to notice its thoroughly aristocratic character: the nomination of a majority of the House of Commons by a few hundred families: the entire identification of the more independent portion, the county members, with the great landholders; the different classes whom this narrow oligarchy was induced, for convenience, to admit to a share of power; and finally, what he called its two props, the Church, and the legal profession....So formidable an attack on the Whig party and policy had never before been made; nor had so great a blow geen ever struck in thew country, for Radicalism...The continuation of this article in the second number of this Review was written by me under my father's eye..." John Stuart Mill: Autobiography, pp.91-94.