HAZARD, Rowland G. Two Letters on Causation and Freedom in Willing, addressed to John Stuart Mill. With an Appendix on the existence of matter, and our notions of infinite space. Boston, Lee and Shepard (1869)
Octavo, original publishers brown cloth, rebacked, lettered gilt, pp.300, perforated stamp to title, inscribed on the initial blank Samuel Gilman LLD with kind regards of R G Hazard. Peace Dale Augt 6/82 and bookplate of John Hopkins University presented by D C Gilman.
First edition, presentation copy. Hazard [1801-1888] Rhode Island woollen manufacturer and writer on philosophical subjects and correspondent with Mill. Author of the earlier Freedom Mind in Willing 1864 which he sent to Mill. In a letter dated November 1866 Mill wrote “It is a real pleasure to have you for an antagonist, for you see the true gist of a question, do not trifle on the mere surface of the subject, and your arguments are real arguments addressing themselves to the real points in dispute and not to imaginary ones”.
Mill wrote again in May 1870 about Hazard’s this 1869 book “Your present book confirms and increases the impression I already had of your acuteness, argumentative power, and perfect fairness both in considering the subject and in discussing it. I do not think that your side of the arguments ever been better represented. The book, like your previous ones, does honour to American thought…”
Mineka, The Later Letters of John Stuart Mill, letter no.1005, no.1555.